Healing Sprains

What are some tips and tricks to help heal sprains?

Whether you are at work, at school or simply enjoying a day off, injuries can happen when you least expect it. For example, anyone can be at risk for a sprain.

Sprains are an incredibly common injury that often affect an ankle, knee, or wrist. A sprain occurs when a ligament is overextended or torn. Ligaments are bands of rope-like tissue that join two or more bones at a joint. If you have a sprain, the pain you experience is likely caused by the damaged ligament.

If you have a sprain, you may display the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the affected area

  • Swelling in and around the injured area

  • Bruising

  • Difficulty applying weigh to the injured area

  • Difficulty or loss of mobility at the injured joint

It is always a good idea to consult a licensed medical professional if you suspect you have a sprain. They can not only ensure your injury heals correctly but will also diagnose the degree of your sprain.

If the ligaments are simply stretched, you likely have a mild sprain that will take a few weeks to heal. If you have a moderate sprain, the ligaments will be stretched and will also display small tears. If you have a moderate sprain it can take up to 12 weeks to recover. In severe sprains the ligament will be completely torn and often requires surgical repairs.

For mild sprains, it is often recommended to practice RICE:

  • R – Rest

    • Limiting activity is very important to ensure the injured muscle fibers are damaged any further.

  • I – Ice

    • Applying ice in 10-minute increments (10 min. on and 10 min. off) helps limit the amount of internal bleeding and swelling that may occur in the area.

  • C – Compression

    • Wrapping the affected area by applying a firm but comfortable amount of pressure also helps limit the amount of internal bleeding that may occur.

  • E – Elevation

    • Placing the injured area above your heart can help reduce swelling as well as the amount of internal bleeding that may initially occur.

While you are on the path to recovery, we recommend using Pure Personal Care’s All Natural Pain Relief Cream. After the initial application, most people experience relief in 5 minutes or less. Give it a try today so you can Feel Your Best, Naturally.

Resources: Sprains: Types, Causes, Treatment & Prevention (clevelandclinic.org)


Healing Strains


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